It's me again. Long time no see, I suppose. I'm in the same place I was last year... Stuck in a bubble. I'm not blaming anybody but myself for being trapped in that bubble. My fears are keeping me from living my life. Or is it my overprotective family? Well, no. Rejection, maybe. It's been two years and love didn't fall my way. Maybe it's for the best so I can learn to love myself. :) It's been a struggle not to be so hard on myself or to be severally critical of my own body. I go back and forth (he hasn't been helping that case, either). Anyway! I started playing Dragonball Xenoverse. I created a female Sayian name Sanzo (I was inspired by Goku to create her and name her after "Journey To The West"). Recently, I gave her the Sayian name "Shaibul" (Chives). As for her Vegeta type character, I did Amarren (Amaranth). Originally, it was going to be "Beetzu" (Beets). Maybe I forgot about it, hence the change! lol The idea I had for her story would be that it would (sort of) intertwine with DBZ. I mean, the way that the battle between Goku and Sanzo was, when I played it earlier today, perfect! I don't think I could ever recreate it! O_O Sanzo put up a good fight, but she lost to Goku. Anyway!!

(This is Sanzo)
Other than the whole Dragon Ball fanfic I had storming in my brain, there isn't really much to add here. See ya! ~HEATHER