Wednesday, March 30, 2022

韓国語を勉強います ~take 2~

 皆さん、こんにちは。ヘザーです。久しぶりですね。ええと、新しい言語は勉強います。Trying to, at least. It's a language that I've been studying on and off since about 2016 or so... It's Korean. I mean, the best that I had gotten was "Hello", "yes" and "no" in Korean. Now the new phrase is "My name is..." I need to get the hang of "How are you?", Thank you" and "Goodbye". But that's why they make study books. But to get on the military side of things, I'm going to be moving again. This time, back to my home state of Tennessee while my husband gets to go overseas. While I am a little jealous, I'll also be glad to have this time away from him (at least, for a little while before reality sets in). Once reality sets in, I might need to go see a therapist so that I can (at least) keep myself from going insane and learn how to be more organized. My mother is under the impression that I won't need therapy once he's gone, but I disagree. I know I will, just knowing my luck. Mainly because I know I'll be lonely without him. I mean, I have my family but it's not the same. I guess I'll have to treat this in the same manner as if it were my mother being deployed all over again. That being to keep myself occupied so that I don't go completely off the rails. In the meanwhile, I would like to continue down the path of learning both Japanese and Korean. I already know so much Japanese that I could carry on a conversation... Well, maybe. (lol) I always say that my Japanese is weak IN Japanese. So it's something. I'll see if there are Korean classes in Tennessee so that I can continue studying it. I know that MTSU teaches Japanese. But I wouldn't mind learning both and see where I am on my Japanese versus Korean. Anyway! 감사합니다. My mind is turning into jelly! ^^;; So I'll just leave it here. またね!

~Heather S.

P.S. I think I need to socialize. I'm tired of being a hermit. -HS