Monday, March 28, 2016


こんにちは。 ヘザーです。 久しぶりですね。 元気ですか? It's been a year since my last entry. I was broken up with and I moved back to Dickson. ガールフレンドが欲しいです! 本当に。。。I mean, it would be nice to have one. But I guess I'm asking for too much! lol On a random note, I need to get my mom a computer so she can quit using mine! Not that I mind... It's just that, she's burned most of my keyboard! O_O; My "c" key is about to fall off! My "w" key is hard to press... But that's it, really. I guess nothing much has been going on in my life, which is further proof that I need to be independent and travel! I'm already thinking about going to Austria to go see Mozart's birthplace and Vienna. Maybe I'll add Germany to that list... So many places to see! @_@;; Anyway... またね。

P.S. I think I want to go a GOOD anime convention. -HK