Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 皆さん、こんにちは~ ヘザーです。久しぶりだね~ 元気ですか?また、日本語を勉強しています~     Anyway, I'm back to studying Japanese. I've also been studying French and Spanish (the latter being for an upcoming trip). It's also been a year since I've written an entry on this blog... I'm blonde, now (lol) I did discover something; I'm better at learning a language by reading rather than by writing. Writing in hiragana and katakana will be something that I need to practice in order to get better at my Japanese. Though, Korean was also a bit of a bust as I've struggled with it. Go figure... でも、諦めないよ!頑張ります!That and Japanese feels more natural to me. (^^;;) That's probably another hurdle that I've faced while learning more languages... But anyway, I'll figure out what I want to do in the next several months. Do I want to teach English as a second language or do I want to major in Japanese? That's the question I'm trying to figure out the answer to and have to figure out before I move up to Knoxville. 何しろ、ありがとうございました。また明日ね~


Sunday, February 19, 2023


 皆さん、こんにちは。ヘザーです。久しぶりだね~♪ 元気ですか? It's been a year and I'm back in Tennessee. Meanwhile, my husband is overseas. Other than that, the past year has been a bit eventful and this year is just about the same, to be honest. Towards the end of the year, I did something that I'd never thought I'd do. Well, actually, it's two things. One, I traveled. Two, I dyed my hair. So, now I'm a redhead. 変ですよね? It's taken me a while to get used to the fact that I'm no longer my dark haired self. I'm now a redhead and I can feel myself changing into a different person. I can't say for sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. But I still have kinks in my personality that I need to work out... But either way, it's a short post and I can't think of anything else to say. So, I'll end it here... 次回まで、じゃあね!

P.S. Google translate is getting better at translating Japanese. I'm impressed. But I still can't get it to translate "notice me, senpai" accurately. -HS

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

韓国語を勉強います ~take 2~

 皆さん、こんにちは。ヘザーです。久しぶりですね。ええと、新しい言語は勉強います。Trying to, at least. It's a language that I've been studying on and off since about 2016 or so... It's Korean. I mean, the best that I had gotten was "Hello", "yes" and "no" in Korean. Now the new phrase is "My name is..." I need to get the hang of "How are you?", Thank you" and "Goodbye". But that's why they make study books. But to get on the military side of things, I'm going to be moving again. This time, back to my home state of Tennessee while my husband gets to go overseas. While I am a little jealous, I'll also be glad to have this time away from him (at least, for a little while before reality sets in). Once reality sets in, I might need to go see a therapist so that I can (at least) keep myself from going insane and learn how to be more organized. My mother is under the impression that I won't need therapy once he's gone, but I disagree. I know I will, just knowing my luck. Mainly because I know I'll be lonely without him. I mean, I have my family but it's not the same. I guess I'll have to treat this in the same manner as if it were my mother being deployed all over again. That being to keep myself occupied so that I don't go completely off the rails. In the meanwhile, I would like to continue down the path of learning both Japanese and Korean. I already know so much Japanese that I could carry on a conversation... Well, maybe. (lol) I always say that my Japanese is weak IN Japanese. So it's something. I'll see if there are Korean classes in Tennessee so that I can continue studying it. I know that MTSU teaches Japanese. But I wouldn't mind learning both and see where I am on my Japanese versus Korean. Anyway! 감사합니다. My mind is turning into jelly! ^^;; So I'll just leave it here. またね!

~Heather S.

P.S. I think I need to socialize. I'm tired of being a hermit. -HS

Friday, July 30, 2021


 皆さん、こんにちは。ヘザーさんです。ええと、久しぶりだね。去年は、結婚でしたね。But for some reason, it feels like the same song and dance I've been dealing with since 2012... Though, I'm trying to learn to be a better wife for my husband and learn how to deal with him better than in 2015. The only thing that I can do is learn to be a better person for myself rather than to learn how to please him. But yeah... So far, I've changed some of my eating habits and made better food decisions. The only thing left to do is to be more proactive in exercising. But anyway... I'm a military spouse now, which means that I need to be more cautious when it comes to what I say online. Last year, I moved from my homestate of Tennessee to Georgia to be with my husband and now, we are currently in the weird state of Arizona. I have my moments where I miss being in Georgia. At the same time, I'm enjoying the mountains here in Arizona. Moving on! Maybe things will change for the better between us in the near future. Until then, we keep driving ourselves insane... Perhaps, I need to be the one to change my approach on how I deal with my husband, his inert habits, and his need to dominate the conversation. Well, I'll figure it out. またね!


Heather Stosberg

(Formally Heather Klins)

P.S. Can we go to Japan? I've been studying really hard. (>.<) -HS

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


It's me again. Long time no see, I suppose. I'm in the same place I was last year... Stuck in a bubble. I'm not blaming anybody but myself for being trapped in that bubble. My fears are keeping me from living my life. Or is it my overprotective family? Well, no. Rejection, maybe. It's been two years and love didn't fall my way. Maybe it's for the best so I can learn to love myself. :) It's been a struggle not to be so hard on myself or to be severally critical of my own body. I go back and forth (he hasn't been helping that case, either). Anyway! I started playing Dragonball Xenoverse. I created a female Sayian name Sanzo (I was inspired by Goku to create her and name her after "Journey To The West"). Recently, I gave her the Sayian name "Shaibul" (Chives). As for her Vegeta type character, I did Amarren (Amaranth). Originally, it was going to be "Beetzu" (Beets). Maybe I forgot about it, hence the change! lol The idea I had for her story would be that it would (sort of) intertwine with DBZ. I mean, the way that the battle between Goku and Sanzo was, when I played it earlier today, perfect! I don't think I could ever recreate it! O_O Sanzo put up a good fight, but she lost to Goku. Anyway!!
(This is Sanzo)

Other than the whole Dragon Ball fanfic I had storming in my brain, there isn't really much to add here. See ya! ~HEATHER


Monday, March 28, 2016


こんにちは。 ヘザーです。 久しぶりですね。 元気ですか? It's been a year since my last entry. I was broken up with and I moved back to Dickson. ガールフレンドが欲しいです! 本当に。。。I mean, it would be nice to have one. But I guess I'm asking for too much! lol On a random note, I need to get my mom a computer so she can quit using mine! Not that I mind... It's just that, she's burned most of my keyboard! O_O; My "c" key is about to fall off! My "w" key is hard to press... But that's it, really. I guess nothing much has been going on in my life, which is further proof that I need to be independent and travel! I'm already thinking about going to Austria to go see Mozart's birthplace and Vienna. Maybe I'll add Germany to that list... So many places to see! @_@;; Anyway... またね。

P.S. I think I want to go a GOOD anime convention. -HK

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It's been too long

Dear diary,
Long time no see! It's been a while... It's been a very long time since I've last written on this blog. ^^; Moved to Nashville recently, got a job last year, and dealt with some crazy stuff last year. Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm living with my boyfriend. Other than that, my life has been pretty boring... To the point where I feel like I have no social life outside of work. X_X;; Maybe that's why I've been feeling depressed lately... :\ Maybe I need to stop being so cold and find somebody to hang out with. But, I need to work on my insecurities. My boyfriend has been saying for the past year and a half that I need to get back into music. Music is an extremely competitive field!! That's something that I've tried to tell him for years... I know I'm talented and I know that I can compose beautiful music... But music is EXTREMELY competitive!!! No joke! O_O But maybe I'll try teaching lesson and see how that goes... Sorry that I can't write a very long entry. I don't have much to say... ^^;; Until next time... じゃあね!